How to Count the Number of Digits in a Number Using C++, Python, and JavaScript

Working with numbers is an integral part of programming. Every programming language provides support to manipulate numbers in many different ways. In this article, you'll learn how to find the total number of digits in an integer using iterative, log-based, and string-based approaches. Problem Statement You're given a number num. You need to count and […]

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10 JavaScript String Methods You Should Master Today

While programming in JavaScript, you’ll often come across scenarios that require string manipulation. For instance, while retrieving an email, you might need to convert all the characters to lowercase or use a regular expression to check whether the entered password satisfies all the conditions. JavaScript string methods will help you perform all these operations on […]

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What Is npm? The JavaScript Package Manager Explained

Packages are an essential part of many programming languages, and JavaScript is no exception. They can be used to add various functionalities to your application or script, from building a web server to sending emails. Without packages, you’d have to reinvent the wheel by programming the same functionality in each of your projects that require it. Interested? This guide will cover how you can install and use […]

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